1.   Regional woes could make it harder for Japan to emerge from a six-year economic slowdown.

2.   Instead, some leaders have flirted with quick-fix solutions and blamed speculators for the regional woes in an attempt to mask their own failures.

3.   Many Singapore companies had made big provisions for potential losses due to the regional economic woes.

4.   On the campaign trail, the two sides blame each other for the violence and other regional woes, such as widespread poverty and economic backwardness.

5.   Responding to a question, Rafidah said SMIs which are affected most by regional economic woes are those which are supplying the automotive industry.

6.   The current regional economic woes had forced South Korea, among the hardest hit, to close some of its foreign offices.

7.   The move, engineered by new Premier Zhu Rongji, is part of a rescue plan to save the SAR and the mainland from regional financial woes.

8.   The lingering fiscal imbalance triggered further depreciation of the yen which would in turn divert Japanese investment from the region to home office, exacerbating the regional economic woes.

9.   There is obviously some over-reaction among investors given the regional woes, Azlan said, but the situation is also due to the short-term approach taken by most investors.

10.   To complete regional woe, the Thai baht and Philippine peso were also lower.

a. + woe >>共 202
economic 31.88%
financial 15.46%
current 3.61%
legal 2.94%
offensive 2.47%
asian 1.80%
recent 1.71%
shooting 1.61%
marital 1.52%
similar 1.52%
regional 0.95%
regional + n. >>共 949
leader 3.14%
government 2.67%
currency 2.62%
bank 2.15%
security 2.12%
market 1.47%
office 1.43%
company 1.38%
cooperation 1.28%
crisis 1.25%
woe 0.05%
每页显示:    共 10