1.   Rice is on a regional shuttle to press for peace negotiations and the withdrawal of foreign troops from Congo.

2.   During his last regional shuttle in March, Christoper wrested a pledge from the two countries to resume ambassador-level talks ahead of military negotiations.

3.   During his last regional shuttle in March, he wrested a pledge from the two countries to resume ambassador-level talks ahead of military negotiations.

4.   Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin complained Monday that Israel had received no answer from Syria on its latest proposals to merit a new regional shuttle by a US envoy.

5.   Ross, who has carried out regular regional shuttles, then headed for a meeting with Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres in Jerusalem.

6.   Severe difficulties remain in the Middle East peace process, US Secretary of State Warren Christopher said Thursday ahead of a regional shuttle to try to accelerate progress.

a. + shuttle >>共 187
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regional + n. >>共 949
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