1.   Fog and rain are common in the mountainous regions near the border.

2.   Fog and rain is common in the mountainous regions near the border.

3.   At very high frequencies difficulties arise through the skin effect which restricts current flow to a region near the surface of a conducting medium.

4.   And Walker is also a part-time elected municipal official for Manakau, a region near Auckland.

5.   A few inches are likely in the favored snow belt regions near the Great Lakes.

6.   A small region near the western coast of Mexico has the highest birthrate for tropical storms.

7.   A woman scavenges for food in a barren region near the southern city of Shaartuz.

8.   Agents on the task force, Bankhead said, were drawn from regions near Atlanta.

9.   Born in Altai, a mountainous region near Kazakhstan, Nikon owed his career to a powerful Soviet-style mentor.

10.   Celera, based in Rockville, Md., will now sequence just the genes and the regions near the genes that regulate gene activity.

n. + near >>共 1086
area 3.28%
village 2.62%
town 1.89%
camp 1.53%
home 1.32%
road 1.08%
base 1.08%
site 1.03%
place 0.97%
house 0.93%
region 0.67%
region + p. >>共 74
of 45.59%
in 13.86%
for 4.29%
with 3.84%
on 3.71%
as 2.77%
by 2.47%
to 2.39%
from 2.00%
around 1.57%
near 1.39%
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