1.   And the reformulated gasoline will cost more, because it will require more refining and because it must include oxygen-containing molecules.

2.   Areas with reformulated gasoline run the risk of serious price spikes or shortfalls if anything goes wrong with the refineries or pipelines that serve them.

3.   At home, new oil tanker insurance standards and reformulated gasoline mandates might roil the energy markets early next year.

4.   Because California law requires motorists to use a special reformulated gasoline, fuel from other parts of the country cannot easily be imported to fill out the inventory.

5.   Because the oxygen content of reformulated gasoline remains unchanged, the order will not reduce smog-creating emissions.

6.   Barry Lane, a Unocal spokesman, denied the patents had such an impact, and pointed to lower prices for reformulated gasoline this year as proof.

7.   A look at what the new less-polluting cars, combined with reformulated gasoline, will mean for drivers and the air we breathe.

8.   A WTO appeals panel upheld an earlier ruling that U.S. regulations covering imports of reformulated gasoline favored domestic producers and held foreign importers to a higher environmental standard.

9.   Also helping prices rise were low supplies of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether, or MTBE, a component of the reformulated gasoline specified by Nymex contracts, traders said.

10.   But faced with concerns from state officials about the political hurdles such a program would face, the regional council switched to reformulated gasoline.

a. + gasoline >>共 324
reformulated 7.78%
higher 6.67%
unleaded 4.36%
high 3.93%
leaded 3.76%
domestic 2.65%
rising 2.40%
cleaner 2.40%
federal 2.40%
cheap 1.80%
reformulated + n. >>共 24
gasoline 58.71%
gas 16.77%
fuel 7.10%
version 3.87%
blend 1.29%
cigarette 0.65%
company 0.65%
cookie 0.65%
drug 0.65%
extradition 0.65%
每页显示:    共 90