1.   So our crying level May reflect more nature than nurture.

2.   Their different responses reflected the nature of the history they had so far lived through, and partly determined their future.

3.   These variations presumably reflect the nature of the sea-bed and availability of food.

4.   It is always important that the liturgy reflects the nature of the group.

5.   If the state of affairs in Bosnia reflects the nature of a multi-cultural society, this policy is open to question.

6.   To reflect the nature of the research work being carried out by Dr Burness, three special guests involved in Scottish politics also attended the lunch.

7.   The dissociation from each GC site is not the same but varies in a manner which must reflect the nature of the surrounding base pairs.

8.   But as large as those numbers might be for playoff teams, they do not reflect the nature of the changes.

9.   Much of the disappointment reflected the nature of the document that the cardinals issued.

v. + nature >>共 289
change 11.73%
disclose 6.21%
understand 5.19%
specify 4.68%
discuss 3.57%
determine 3.32%
know 2.55%
reveal 2.21%
describe 1.96%
alter 1.62%
reflect 1.19%
reflect + n. >>共 1536
change 3.17%
concern 3.03%
view 1.91%
fact 1.80%
reality 1.65%
trend 1.43%
demand 1.41%
expectation 1.33%
difference 1.11%
light 0.99%
nature 0.17%
每页显示:    共 14