1.   Beluga may be the most expensive caviar, but many refined palates prefer osetra, the somewhat smaller egg from a different kind of sturgeon.

2.   Delouvrier brings to the table the quiet comfort of a refined French palate and a sure technical hand.

3.   It did not take a refined palate to tell that this Austrian-themed restaurant was many cuts above your standard schnitzel emporium.

4.   Some do general tastings while others with more refined palates are called upon to compare subtle differences in condiments, textures and flavor balance.

5.   The refined palate that recommended this recipe said it is, all capitals please, HEAVENLY.

6.   While the writer certainly enjoyed fine food, biographers recalled a less refined palate.

a. + palate >>共 101
american 13.94%
refined 3.64%
discerning 3.03%
adventurous 2.42%
jaded 2.42%
western 2.42%
japanese 1.82%
malaysian 1.82%
national 1.82%
refreshing 1.82%
refined + n. >>共 206
product 23.90%
oil 8.35%
sugar 6.87%
petroleum 4.91%
version 2.78%
taste 2.62%
fuel 2.45%
carbohydrate 1.15%
form 1.15%
gasoline 1.15%
palate 0.98%
每页显示:    共 6