1.   The dispute was referred to the King, James I. James I decided in favour of the Court of Chancery and upheld the validity of the common injunction.

2.   Hungary and Slovakia have agreed to refer their dispute over the Gabcikovo dam to the International Court of Justice.

3.   Clauses referring all disputes under a contract to an expert are encountered from time to time in practice.

4.   The disputes clause referred disputes about any matter relating to the construction of the centre under the contract to an engineering expert.

5.   Some contracts refer technical disputes to an expert whose decision is final and binding.

6.   Each Southern elector was challenged and, each time, the commission to which the dispute was referred split eight to seven for the Republicans.

7.   It guarantees that patients who are denied coverage can refer the dispute to an outside panel of medical experts.

8.   One possible solution, experts say, would allow only those patients who first refer their disputes to external review panels to file suit against their health plans.

9.   Foreign Secretary Roberto Romulo said the government was considering referring the dispute to the U.N. Security Council.

10.   Further disputes can be referred to court.

v. + dispute >>共 369
resolve 26.42%
settle 20.80%
end 4.30%
solve 3.65%
have 3.31%
mediate 2.91%
discuss 2.58%
follow 1.87%
take 1.70%
arbitrate 1.20%
refer 0.55%
refer + n. >>共 238
question 21.99%
case 12.33%
matter 8.27%
call 7.48%
patient 6.19%
inquiry 4.67%
issue 2.12%
reporter 1.66%
query 1.62%
complaint 1.39%
dispute 1.20%
每页显示:    共 26