1.   Coral reefs have been mismanaged, exploited and overused by the United States, he said, citing reef destruction by boaters or water pollution.

2.   Global warming is the root cause of reef destruction, he says.

3.   Scientists at meeting on the island of Bali have said that an increase in ocean and sea temperatures is largely to blame for much reef destruction around the world.

4.   These major sources include forest, mangrove and coraf reefs destruction, over-fishing, pollution of marine resources and development activities that disrupt primary forests and catchment areas.

n. + destruction >>共 87
document 24.66%
habitat 13.36%
ozone 6.16%
forest 4.79%
property 4.79%
weapon 2.74%
embryo 2.05%
crop 2.05%
bone 1.71%
hurricane 1.71%
reef 1.37%
reef + n. >>共 57
fish 13.04%
shark 6.52%
destruction 4.35%
formation 4.35%
site 4.35%
marker 3.26%
coral 2.17%
break 2.17%
habitat 2.17%
line 2.17%
每页显示:    共 4