1.   Concern on this issue was seen as one reason for Soviet delaying on the Open Skies talks and at the conventional armed forces reduction talks in Vienna.

2.   Big farm produce exporters such as Argentina and Australia want a declaration from WTO ministers to welcome the start of the new tariff reduction talks.

3.   Bradley called for a new round of nuclear arms reduction talks between the United States and Russia.

4.   Bradley also advocated the immediate start of new strategic-arms reduction talks with Russia to cut the number of nuclear warheads even deeper than proposed by President Clinton.

5.   But bombing in Kosovo could derail the Start II ratification, and cut into progress on further arms- reduction talks.

6.   The Mets and SportsChannel had rights fee reduction talks last month, but tabled them until the need became more apparent.

7.   The Russian parliament is scheduled to debate the second round of strategic arms reduction talks, known as START II, next month.

8.   The stand-off in deficit reduction talks between Congress and the President, and a blizzard blanketing the East Coast, blocked the gathering of economic information.

9.   We have a declining murder rate in American cities and nuclear reduction talks.

10.   It is also to sponsor arms reduction talks among the warring parties.

n. + talk >>共 398
peace 53.86%
trade 5.03%
contract 2.48%
merger 2.45%
budget 1.95%
settlement 1.73%
security 1.00%
truce 0.94%
membership 0.87%
status 0.81%
reduction 0.08%
reduction + n. >>共 133
treaty 14.69%
target 12.19%
plan 10.18%
program 7.01%
agreement 3.84%
talk 2.50%
surgery 2.34%
effort 2.17%
goal 2.17%
package 2.00%
每页显示:    共 15