1.   Because employers were demanding lower premiums, insurers have worked to reduce hospital stays, putting a financial squeeze on hospitals nationwide.

2.   Not only can it lower medical costs by reducing hospital stays, they say, but it can improve the quality of life for patients and their families.

3.   Still, Ms. Engel concedes the rules are likely to have their intended effect, of reducing her stay on the rolls.

4.   That proportion seems certain to grow, say specialists, given the growing demand from patients and pressure from insurers to reduce hospital stays.

5.   The department is also reducing hospital stays, trying to treat more patients in less costly outpatient clinics.

6.   The managed-care companies have already achieved substantial cost savings by reducing hospital stays and negotiating prices with hospitals and medical groups.

7.   The procedure reduces hospital stays, can be done with a sedative or local anesthetic, and lowers the risk of infection.

8.   The procedure reduces hospital stays, can be done with a sedative or local anesthetic and lowers the risk of infection.

9.   This will reduce hospital stays and cut the cost of heart surgery.

10.   He added that costs could also be cut by making sure thorough inspection was done, reducing hospital stay and making sure no repeat X-rays were needed.

v. + stay >>共 195
extend 13.44%
grant 9.37%
lift 5.18%
seek 4.69%
issue 3.95%
include 2.59%
prolong 2.47%
win 2.10%
shorten 2.10%
receive 2.10%
reduce 1.48%
reduce + n. >>共 743
number 6.05%
cost 5.89%
risk 4.45%
amount 2.18%
heat 1.64%
demand 1.64%
debt 1.62%
size 1.50%
emission 1.48%
rate 1.32%
stay 0.04%
每页显示:    共 12