1.   E for lost income when a customer leaves or reduces its demand.

2.   Higher interest rates reduces the demand for credit.

3.   If the banks raise interest rates, this will reduce the demand for credit.

4.   Less government borrowing reduces the demand for funds, which in turn leads to lower rates.

5.   Some utilities in the United States had reduced electricity demand by giving low energy light bulbs to poor families.

6.   The apparent means of releasing resources from private uses is to reduce private demand for them.

7.   This will make bricks and tiles even more expensive, and in turn reduce demand.

v. + demand >>共 468
meet 14.96%
reject 5.68%
make 4.98%
reduce 3.52%
boost 3.06%
increase 3.03%
press 2.28%
drop 2.00%
satisfy 1.56%
create 1.41%
reduce + n. >>共 743
number 6.05%
cost 5.89%
risk 4.45%
amount 2.18%
heat 1.64%
demand 1.64%
debt 1.62%
size 1.50%
emission 1.48%
rate 1.32%
每页显示:    共 438