1.   Governments which have not redressed genuine grievances often pay a heavy price later on.

2.   Activists typically resort to the initiative process when they have exhausted every other means of getting a grievance redressed.

3.   But bias still persists, and policies aimed at reducing discrimination would be sharper if they concentrated more on opening opportunities than on redressing the grievances of dismissed workers.

4.   But Dimitrijevic, a law professor, believes the tribunal can be used to redress Serb grievances, too.

5.   In a quieter vein, some in Hollywood have been trying for years to redress grievances left over from the old era of blacklisting.

6.   Long-buried grievances have been redressed, mistakes acknowledged and fresh dialogues opened, officials say.

7.   On Thursday it rejected the right of patients to redress grievances in court for denial of care.

8.   Outrage also takes the belief that raising hell will be worth the trouble, that grievances will be redressed, that things will change and stay changed.

9.   Postmodern architecture offered to redress these grievances.

10.   Romanians, who were terrorized into silence under the Ceausescus, still have a hard time complaining aloud, or acting independently to redress perceived grievances.

v. + grievance >>共 120
file 29.42%
air 13.41%
address 5.79%
have 5.03%
hear 3.66%
take 3.51%
discuss 2.74%
redress 2.13%
settle 1.83%
withdraw 1.37%
redress + n. >>共 53
balance 23.50%
imbalance 10.38%
grievance 7.65%
wrong 7.65%
inequity 6.01%
problem 6.01%
situation 5.46%
discrimination 3.83%
injustice 3.28%
fraud 1.09%
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