1.   Ever since creation, religions have proclaimed their mission to redeem mankind.

2.   Every truly heroic act is self-sacrificing, because in the ultimate drama of history, Jesus Christ sacrificed himself to redeem mankind.

3.   For Christians, it is where Jesus redeemed mankind on the cross.

4.   Half-hour animated comedy about an average guy chosen to redeem mankind.

v. + mankind >>共 48
save 7.69%
help 6.41%
benefit 6.41%
redeem 5.13%
lead 3.85%
represent 3.85%
threaten 3.85%
include 2.56%
create 2.56%
fascinate 2.56%
redeem + n. >>共 149
share 12.96%
bond 12.22%
coupon 5.38%
security 3.18%
debt 2.69%
promise 2.44%
value 2.20%
reputation 1.96%
mile 1.96%
point 1.96%
mankind 0.98%
每页显示:    共 4