1.   When you delete a file, it first gets moved to the recycle bin.

2.   A writer hopes that her precious words will stick around awhile before wrapping fish or going into the recycle bin.

3.   After staring in disbelief at the piles, it became clear that the only option was to retrieve time-tested recipes and toss the rest in the recycle bin.

4.   Does Home Depot sell those kind of recycle bins?

5.   E-mail, a sensitive area, is overwritten two days after being deleted from the recycle bin.

6.   In fact, hitting the delete key simply moves a file to the recycle bin on a Windows PC.

7.   Right-click on the icon for the recycle bin and select Properties.

n. + bin >>共 135
trash 30.81%
garbage 12.79%
storage 8.43%
litter 3.63%
door 2.76%
compost 2.76%
grain 2.62%
luggage 1.60%
cargo 1.31%
sin 1.31%
recycle 1.02%
recycle + n. >>共 5
bin 63.64%
configuration 9.09%
guy 9.09%
load 9.09%
waste 9.09%
每页显示:    共 7