1.   This viewpoint is also corroborated by the brisk response of rectal mucosa to local gluten infusion.

2.   The computerised image analysis showed that there is no architectural difference between gluten sensitivity and disease control rectal mucosae.

3.   In addition, it has been shown that Ac-ASA is the form of the drug predominantly found in the rectal mucosa of patients taking oral sulphasalazine.

4.   We have previously characterised the rectal mucosa associated microflora of patients with ulcerative colitis.

5.   Our results with E coli isolates from the rectal mucosa do not support either finding, a paradoxical result for a tissue-associated flora.

6.   Most investigators use the proliferative pattern of the rectal mucosa as a reliable index of the cytoproliferative activity of the entire colonic mucosa.

7.   In vivo rectal dialysis reflects epithelial transport if the dialysis bag is in close contact with the rectal mucosa, and does not equilibrate with faeces or fluid.

8.   Similarly, the exaggerated response, in starvation, of the rectal mucosa to a secretory stimulus may be as a result of a lack of luminal SCFA.

a. + mucosa >>共 59
gastric 26.92%
normal 10.65%
colonic 9.17%
intestinal 6.80%
inflamed 5.92%
duodenal 5.03%
antral 2.66%
human 2.37%
rectal 2.37%
intact 2.07%
rectal + n. >>共 70
cancer 10.84%
exam 8.37%
distension 6.40%
thermometer 4.93%
contraction 4.43%
wall 4.43%
sensation 3.94%
mucosa 3.94%
value 3.94%
examination 3.45%
每页显示:    共 8