1.   Some recommend no treatment, others much more moderate lifestyle changes.

2.   As biliary obstruction can lead to secondary biliary cirrhosis or recurrent episodes of cholangitis, surgical treatment has been recommended for stricture associated with persistent cholestasis.

3.   However, considerations of long term safety are also important as lifelong maintenance treatment is usually recommended.

4.   Therefore, H pylori treatment is recommended for patients with relapsing duodenal ulcer disease.

5.   An FDA advisory committee in May recommended the treatment for approval.

6.   And health officials did not recommend antibiotic treatment for large numbers of workers.

7.   Already, doctors are checking the genetic signature of a tumor before recommending treatment.

8.   All of this has experts rethinking how they recommend treatment.

9.   Depending on circumstances in each case, doctors may recommend drug treatment instead of angioplasty or bypass surgery.

v. + treatment >>共 511
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recommend 0.54%
recommend + n. >>共 1000
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approval 2.62%
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