1.   This report will recommend on any new local initiatives which could add to existing efforts in reducing drink related road accidents.

2.   Asked the waitperson what she would recommend on the menu.

3.   At the end of the proposed pilot program, school officials here would evaluate the results and recommend criteria on which to base pay increases.

4.   Barnicle said he had never read the book, but a film clip showed him recommending it on television.

5.   Boil vigorously for the time recommended on the pasta package or until the pasta is tender.

6.   A federal advisory committee recommended on Tuesday that the first drug aimed at treating the cause of the cold rather than just its symptoms not be approved.

7.   A judicial panel of the Organization for Security and Cooperation agreed that the number of ballots was suspicious, and on Friday it recommended that ballots be recounted.

8.   A joint committee took testimony Wednesday and said it would recommend on Friday whether a special session should be called to select electors.

9.   A Presidential panel recommended on Monday that the United States military be allowed to resume live firing exercises on Vieques but ordered the range shut down in five years.

10.   A solid-color latex stain is generally not recommended on an outdoor horizontal surface because it wears too fast.

v. + on >>共 981
speak 4.52%
say 3.26%
appear 2.15%
remain 1.85%
be 1.70%
stand 1.66%
make 1.45%
get 1.45%
do 1.32%
leave 1.26%
recommend 0.03%
recommend + p. >>共 42
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in 18.44%
against 17.99%
by 9.00%
on 8.25%
at 1.50%
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over 1.05%
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