1.   Advance tickets are recommended during the busy season, such as summer.

2.   Reservations are especially recommended during the high season, from late April through mid-October, and during the Christmas season.

3.   Special care, such as turning the bowls over on the birdbaths, is recommended during the winter months to prevent cracking.

4.   The president said he was undergoing the colonoscopy because it had been recommended during a routine physical last summer that he have one in a year.

5.   While reservations are not required, they are strongly recommended during the peak summer season.

6.   While strenuous exercise is not recommended during an attack of acute back pain, prolonged rest and inactivity will actually delay, not enhance, recovery.

7.   Security officials recommended during the session that Israel avoid provocations that could send it into direct conflict with Iraq, Israel army radio said.

8.   The Russians recommended during an emergency meeting of the UNSCOM board of directors last November that five deputy chairmen be designated to help oversee the inspection program.

9.   Thus far, the administration has approached the issue of regime change in Iraq far more cautiously than Armitage and some conservative colleagues were recommending during the Clinton era.

v. + during >>共 1155
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