1.   Gates recognized this need and will offer training grants as well as funds for machines and software.

2.   Many public libraries recognize this need and their programmes for schoolchildren reflect it.

3.   The need was recognized on entering the store and the shopper bought the exact item planned.

4.   They recognize their needs and ask openly and directly for what they want.

5.   Try to recognize your needs, and try to spend time fulfilling them or asking for them.

6.   As a result, even though recognizing the need for restraint, a group is tempted to raise its own claims.

7.   But it does recognize the need for the educators to find ways of helping them cope.

8.   Although not everyone who works at home needs a professional organizer, most who successfully manage chaos recognize the need for separation between home and work.

9.   Another way to look at that is to say that he recognized the need for change in Democratic Party policies that were mired in the past.

v. + need >>共 626
meet 9.07%
stress 7.96%
have 5.74%
see 5.55%
eliminate 5.28%
reduce 2.92%
emphasize 2.82%
understand 2.30%
address 2.06%
underscore 2.06%
recognize 1.09%
recognize + n. >>共 1326
problem 2.23%
importance 2.17%
need 1.92%
sovereignty 1.88%
name 1.84%
value 1.64%
state 1.36%
authority 1.36%
government 1.34%
marriage 1.30%
每页显示:    共 97