1.   Cost of take-over battles to soar A RECENT ruling by Customs and Excise could add millions to the costs of company takeovers.

2.   This was apparently in response to the recent US Supreme Court ruling which legalized US government-authorized abductions abroad.

3.   A RECENT ruling by Customs and Excise could add millions to the costs of company takeovers.

4.   Both parties, too, have rushed through a loophole opened by a recent Supreme Court ruling to bankroll key congressional campaigns beyond even past loosey-goosey restraints.

5.   A recent ruling by the Fifth Circuit was not the final word.

6.   A recent ruling by the Israeli Supreme Court in the Londin affair was a sign of the change.

7.   A recent ruling suggested that the music played as mobile phone rings should be outlawed on religious grounds.

8.   But a recent ruling by the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination may mean lawyers have less latitude in choosing or rejecting clients than they previously thought.

9.   But a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in an Ohio case could change that, Sparks noted in his order.

10.   But Barbara Bennett Woodhouse, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, said the measure was consistent with recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings.

a. + ruling >>共 385
final 10.99%
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