1.   Pastrana made the decision because he said the group has been inflexible in demanding a large rebel sanctuary in northern Colombia to host the talks.

2.   Clearing the police out of towns would amount to creating more rebel sanctuaries, the militia group added.

3.   Foreign diplomats helped facilitate the talks, held in an open-air, thatched-roof hut deep in the rebel sanctuary in southern Colombia.

4.   No date has been given for a troop pullout from the area in northern Bolivar State where the rebel sanctuary would be created.

5.   Recently, Ankara began accusing Iran of replacing Syria as a rebel sanctuary.

6.   Seemingly at will, rebels have been carrying out sabotage attacks outside Florencia, located a three-hour drive from the border of the former rebel sanctuary.

7.   The ELN recently pulled away from peace contacts to protest army operations in the area of the planned rebel sanctuary.

8.   The FARC has warned that the peace process will end if Pastrana refuses to renew the rebel sanctuary.

9.   The FARC has warned that the peace process will be over if Pastrana refuses to renew the rebel sanctuary.

10.   Those bombers appear to be striking at Serb mortar and artillery batteries, which have been firing into Albania, trying to hit rebel sanctuaries across the border.

n. + sanctuary >>共 84
wildlife 21.89%
bird 16.50%
whale 15.49%
rebel 3.70%
nature 2.69%
guerrilla 1.68%
cave 1.35%
mountain 1.35%
chimp 1.01%
forest 1.01%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
sanctuary 0.06%
每页显示:    共 11