1.   Also on Thursday, a dozen soldiers were killed by land mines laid by rebels in northern Colombia.

2.   Fujimori has not budged from his position that the rebels must lay down their arms and free every hostage before the government will consider granting them safe passage.

3.   Before talks are held, the government wants the rebels to lay down their arms and set a time frame and an agenda.

4.   Earlier, the government had insisted that the rebels lay down arms and drop its call for a separate Tamil homeland if talks were to be held.

5.   Earlier attempts to negotiate have produced only short-lived lulls or collapsed altogether, with Moscow demanding that the rebels lay down their weapons and discuss conditions of surrender.

6.   Earlier attempts to negotiate have produced short-lived lulls or collapsed altogether, with Moscow demanding that the rebels lay down their weapons and discuss conditions of surrender.

7.   Hutu rebels laid the ambush on the main road to Kigali and opened fire at passing vehicles, the private news agency said.

8.   In a statement Saturday, the foreign ministry said direct talks were possible only if the rebels lay down arms and agree to a time frame for a settlement.

9.   In Madrid earlier this month, the two sides approved a three-month plan for the remaining rebels to lay down their arms and return to society.

10.   In Oaxaca on Wednesday, rebels laid a huge wreath of red and white carnations at a monument to their namesake, revolutionary Gen. Emiliano Zapata.

n. + lay >>共 465
company 11.20%
worker 2.75%
rebel 2.39%
government 1.74%
police 1.56%
soldier 1.47%
firm 1.47%
factory 1.29%
people 1.19%
army 1.10%
rebel + v. >>共 661
say 5.63%
be 5.41%
attack 3.57%
fight 2.64%
kill 2.17%
take 2.14%
have 1.87%
hold 1.70%
want 1.61%
seize 1.61%
lay 0.16%
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