1.   Eventually reason will prevail, but only after the determining structures have developed.

2.   Neither experts nor ordinary people understand why humanitarian reasons should prevail over elementary justice.

3.   Only a very stubborn man could have believed that reason would prevail in a case such as this one.

4.   The venomous exchanges between deputies from the two republics in the Kremlin yesterday offered little hope that reason would prevail.

5.   Actually, all three reasons prevailed.

6.   But as we fight this war, will reason prevail?

7.   But for once, reason prevailed.

8.   But reason prevailed.

9.   Every time she appears on screen, she offers the audience hope that reason might prevail.

10.   Fighting for survival, HUD in particular has demonstrated that reason can prevail if officials re-invent programs to address problems and cooperate in plans to downsize.

n. + prevail >>共 673
sky 7.93%
condition 5.94%
sunshine 3.15%
weather 3.10%
atmosphere 2.66%
head 2.48%
calm 2.48%
view 1.77%
justice 1.55%
attitude 1.15%
reason 0.97%
reason + v. >>共 278
be 88.23%
have 1.26%
seem 0.90%
include 0.76%
lie 0.53%
remain 0.37%
vary 0.30%
prevail 0.28%
go 0.28%
appear 0.26%
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