1.   The reasons against Philip are later stated to be his own guilt and actions rather than his Staufen ancestry.

2.   As well as giving reasons against Caesar becoming emperor, being no better, perhaps worse, than other men, Cassius also glorifies himself in this speech.

3.   Both Internet and non-internet users cited election fraud and privacy concerns as reasons against online voting, and expressed concern about the trustworthiness of candidate Web sites.

4.   Each reason against Drew is compelling by itself, and together the reasons form a convincing argument for drafting almost anybody else.

5.   For some reason against Miami, Matt got frustrated and flustered and got out of sync.

6.   However, there is no good reason against using pressure-treated posts.

7.   It was an event that highlighted the losing battle fought by the isolated man of thought and reason against the weight of irrational, demagogic power.

8.   Members of Congress offer a variety of reasons against invading Haiti.

9.   The Marines were not told that local residents sometimes armed themselves for defensive reasons against intruders and that the heavily camouflaged Marines could appear threatening to those residents.

10.   Opponents point to recent stock market volatility as a reason against such accounts.

n. + against >>共 787
charge 4.54%
action 3.46%
game 3.28%
sanction 2.93%
case 2.74%
campaign 2.72%
attack 2.67%
fight 2.46%
war 1.99%
match 1.82%
reason 0%
reason + p. >>共 70
to 20.39%
of 18.06%
behind 17.21%
than 9.11%
in 6.41%
other_than 5.56%
as 3.92%
at 1.69%
beyond 1.69%
after 1.43%
against 0.58%
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