1.   Finance Minister Guenter Rexrodt reaffirmed German rejection of the Helms-Burton law.

2.   The British ambassador reaffirmed the rejection of visas for four Egyptian students seeking medical treatment in Britain while meeting with protesters outside the British Embassy in Cairo Tuesday.

3.   Britain on Thursday blocked an anti-racist initiative by the European Union and reaffirmed its rejection of a proposed European police force known as Europol.

4.   Nduwayo reaffirmed his rejection of a UN proposal for an international force to be sent to Burundi.

5.   Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui on Sunday reaffirmed his rejection of nuclear weapons shortly after calling for an Asia-Pacific security alliance to bolster stability.

6.   The NDA also reaffirmed its rejection of gestures of reconciliation by the government.

v. + rejection >>共 147
prevent 13.08%
follow 3.55%
reconsider 3.55%
reiterate 3.10%
face 2.66%
appeal 2.66%
take 2.66%
urge 2.44%
fear 2.22%
announce 2.22%
reaffirm 1.33%
reaffirm + n. >>共 211
commitment 20.90%
support 12.74%
opposition 3.57%
intention 2.66%
decision 2.66%
position 2.57%
importance 2.38%
belief 2.29%
determination 2.11%
faith 1.83%
rejection 0.55%
每页显示:    共 6