1.   Colouring books help their writing skills ... picture books help their reading skills ... counting books help them with their numbers.

2.   The work will examine groups of children and adults differing in reading skill.

3.   Their reading skills are poor.

4.   They shed much fresh light on the nature and development of reading skill.

5.   Many students are held back at school by poor reading skills.

6.   This task is designed to test your reading skills.

7.   It is particularly useful at a stage when pupils have very limited reading skills.

8.   With improvements in reading skills, written documents and books will become far more important, though artefacts, pictures, stories, and oral history remain central.

9.   Although the disparities in scores are pronounced and persistent among ethnic and racial groups, the poor reading skills cut across racial and socioeconomic lines.

a. + skill >>共 1251
new 3.46%
basic 3.30%
technical 3.10%
political 2.29%
social 2.07%
special 1.42%
great 1.32%
motor 1.23%
necessary 1.18%
reading 1.12%
reading + n. >>共 369
material 7.28%
list 4.91%
glass 4.86%
program 4.51%
skill 4.34%
room 3.58%
book 3.41%
test 2.89%
score 2.43%
habit 1.91%
每页显示:    共 75