1.   Even in their desperate situation, they spent their time reading books or magazines, and remained orderly.

2.   Grade a number of reading books.

3.   In some traditional reading books there was a clear assumption that boys were leaders and girls were followers.

4.   Leapor in many places feels compelled to defend the pleasure she takes in writing poetry and reading books.

5.   She sits in her bed-sitting-room-study reading books.

6.   The Secretary of State for Education and Science is keen on people reading books.

7.   When the children had settled, Miss Brown gave out the new reading books.

8.   Have you got a reading book?

9.   Anita would you get a reading book love and sit and read it?

10.   As children, we were given to reading books about other children, very much like ourselves but better acquainted with real adventure.

a. + book >>共 1553
new 11.02%
record 5.13%
holy 3.49%
first 2.66%
electronic 1.70%
best-selling 1.40%
muslim 1.33%
next 1.21%
rare 1.21%
latest 1.20%
reading 0.65%
reading + n. >>共 369
material 7.28%
list 4.91%
glass 4.86%
program 4.51%
skill 4.34%
room 3.58%
book 3.41%
test 2.89%
score 2.43%
habit 1.91%
每页显示:    共 59