1.   But they will be people, in the sense that human readers can feel for them,share their joys and sorrows, their dangers and their ultimate successes.

2.   The reader feels sympathetic towards him as he always had the burden of Lennie on his back, Lennie, who always said,

3.   And it lets the reader feel the heat.

4.   And that is where the reader will feel cheated.

5.   A reader feels more of King at work than of most writers.

6.   By the end of the book, the reader feels as one with the wolves, falling into their rhythms and experiencing their joys, fears and rivalries.

7.   Even a symapthetic reader can only feel manipulated as Kozol overplays the latter card and builds a classic case of throwing money at a problem.

8.   French critics, on the other hand, suggested that the book succeeded precisely because French readers felt flattered by the power of French literature.

9.   He has an eye for story and detail, making readers feel as if they are in on the real moments.

10.   Her trick was to communicate the precise flood of feelings she experienced watching movies, and make readers feel it, too.

n. + feel >>共 879
people 9.04%
player 2.27%
presence 1.66%
woman 1.51%
official 1.38%
company 1.35%
child 1.32%
investor 1.20%
parent 1.15%
fan 1.08%
reader 0.36%
reader + v. >>共 528
be 11.49%
have 3.79%
find 3.28%
know 2.92%
want 2.73%
write 2.37%
send 2.05%
see 1.90%
get 1.78%
ask 1.74%
feel 1.54%
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