1.   During the midday meal the older children read edifying passages chosen by Nicholas from religious or secular history.

2.   He had planned to have the students read passages, discuss them in class, and write essays.

3.   Over the next week his medical interest was engaged by reading the passages from the baby book on colic.

4.   Users must spend two hours reading selected passages to train the software to recognize their intonations.

5.   He picked up the newspaper and read the passage again.

6.   It suggests that he was extremely popular with the people if you read the passage.

7.   A British woman with short blond hair read a passage about the Civic Center.

8.   After watching the reruns of Seinfeld and Jeopardy they could pick up on their small television, they read passages.

9.   But he read passages from his work with the gusto of a viceroy who had gone native in the Southie raj.

10.   But in this instance, he said after reading the passages Wednesday, the commission made a mistake.

v. + passage >>共 404
win 6.52%
block 4.11%
expect 3.18%
allow 2.62%
read 2.52%
urge 2.31%
ensure 2.26%
assure 2.05%
guarantee 2.00%
delay 1.95%
read + n. >>共 936
book 11.39%
newspaper 4.47%
verdict 3.42%
statement 3.33%
letter 3.21%
story 2.70%
article 1.95%
report 1.74%
paper 1.74%
script 1.61%
passage 0.57%
每页显示:    共 49