1.   And that leaves out Path statements that read like a road map of your hard disk.

2.   Indeed, many changes introduced by management in the post-cold-war years read like a catalogue of the misbegotten.

3.   Naturally, the overall content of nonconformist works reads like a list of the worst taboos of Socialist Realist theory.

4.   News stories often read like editorials or essays.

5.   On its own this reads like a perfectly ordinary youthful Europeanized sententious romantic flourish.

6.   Reading him like this, so stripped of context, you no longer feel compelled to read the poems as a student.

7.   Some of his exploits read like folk tales.

8.   The council has put an emergency radiation leak plan on its website which reads like a throwback to the Cold War.

9.   The text can be highly discursive and reads like a series of points rather randomly formed into short paragraphs.

10.   Their approach is informal and Physics of Stellar Evolution and Cosmology reads like a scientific detective story.

v. + like >>共 668
look 31.90%
sound 9.89%
feel 9.30%
act 2.81%
treat 2.26%
play 1.97%
shape 1.33%
behave 1.23%
taste 0.96%
work 0.88%
read 0.79%
read + p. >>共 74
in 20.22%
about 20.18%
to 10.30%
from 9.66%
on 8.52%
like 6.18%
at 3.72%
by 3.42%
with 3.01%
of 2.10%
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