1.   He had just given her a triumph and had got no more reaction than if he had held a door open for her.

2.   And there is no doubt that crack cocaine triggers dramatically different reactions than heroin, one recovering addict said.

3.   But according to CDC records, the smallpox vaccine generated larger numbers of reactions than childhood immunizations that are used today.

4.   Clinton gave Gingrich a kinder reaction than the House leader got from many Republicans on Capitol Hill.

5.   Her decision to skate was more gut reaction than self-prescribed therapy.

6.   However, cameos by the likes of Jon Voight and David Bowie got bigger reactions than most of the hit-or-miss gags.

7.   No one seems more astonished at the British reaction than the British themselves.

8.   Often, electronic toys are less creative, do not involve much imagination and encourage more passive reactions than older toys, experts say.

9.   The front of your tongue should register a far greater reaction than the middle.

10.   Then, as now, economic conditions played a bigger role in market reactions than presidential problems.

n. + than >>共 1788
better 1.51%
money 1.37%
rate 1.04%
time 0.97%
year 0.80%
game 0.73%
people 0.71%
worse 0.64%
problem 0.56%
harm 0.52%
reaction 0.04%
reaction + p. >>共 53
from 50.82%
of 15.75%
in 10.94%
among 3.22%
on 3.22%
by 2.79%
against 2.35%
at 1.20%
after 1.07%
as 0.97%
than 0.43%
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