1.   When she reached the exit, she ran.

2.   When Brenneman and his wife reached the emergency exit, they realized the plane was burning.

3.   You also might think an aisle seat is better than a window seat, because you could reach an exit faster.

4.   The explosion sent stunned lawmakers scurrying for cover under tables and desks, or trying to reach an exit.

v. + exit >>共 136
block 16.06%
make 13.73%
lock 5.44%
find 4.92%
have 2.85%
miss 1.81%
mark 1.55%
see 1.55%
follow 1.30%
provide 1.30%
reach 1.04%
reach + n. >>共 697
agreement 21.92%
settlement 3.30%
decision 2.83%
compromise 2.54%
final 2.45%
level 2.12%
accord 2.02%
conclusion 1.95%
point 1.79%
consensus 1.65%
exit 0.01%
每页显示:    共 4