1.   But ratings certainly have.

2.   But the split rating will have market consequences by tempting some potential bond buyers to use the lower rating to demand higher interest rates when South Africa issues debt.

3.   For parents to easily use the system, the ratings have to fit into TV grids in newspapers and magazines, Valenti said.

4.   For that matter, some experts point out that the MPAA ratings have flaws that would be magnified if they were adopted by to television.

5.   Had rating agencies known about the additional loans, Enron might have had a harder time obtaining credit in other markets.

6.   His ratings have had little to do with personal attributes and a lot to do with a good economy, he said.

7.   If used properly, the ratings have value, many advisers say.

8.   Lee Corso, the ESPN college football analyst, said the rating had little to do with the BCS and more to do with the profiles of the schools.

9.   The ratings have less meaning for investors who cherry-pick funds, selecting one or two top funds from up to a dozen companies.

10.   The rating has serious economic consequences for film companies.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
rating 0%
rating + v. >>共 263
be 34.85%
fall 2.74%
soar 2.54%
go 2.21%
mean 2.15%
drop 2.02%
remain 1.89%
make 1.82%
rise 1.63%
reflect 1.63%
have 0.85%
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