1.   That change should occur within about three years for large carriers, while small companies will be free of rate regulation immediately.

2.   According to the overhaul plan, cable rate regulation would end in a given community as soon as consumers have a choice of cable providers.

3.   But in the realm of insurance rate regulation, there is a legal loophole big enough to accommodate an apartment complex.

4.   Cable television companies do not want to accept more rate regulation unless local phone companies open up their networks.

5.   For weeks, industry lobbyists and lawmakers have been predicting a political bargain on cable rate regulation.

6.   House Republicans would remove rate regulation for most services a year after the bill passes.

7.   Independent gas gathering companies, which are not connected to a pipeline company, are not legally subject to FERC rate regulation.

8.   It is also subject to rate regulation by the FCC.

9.   It would eventually eliminate most cable television rate regulation.

10.   One of the more contentious disputes is over repealing cable television rate regulations.

n. + regulation >>共 524
government 22.67%
safety 8.92%
security 2.74%
rent 2.58%
price 1.35%
tobacco 1.29%
traffic 1.26%
market 1.19%
air 1.10%
health 1.03%
rate 0.84%
rate + n. >>共 411
cut 26.84%
increase 24.74%
hike 5.91%
reduction 4.89%
rise 4.83%
change 2.41%
policy 1.07%
freeze 0.82%
expectation 0.80%
move 0.78%
regulation 0.52%
每页显示:    共 26