1.   Automakers retreated amid concern higher rates will raise finance costs and slow new purchases.

2.   Automakers also retreated amid concern higher rates will raise finance costs and slow new purchases.

3.   Banks are also affected because higher rates raise their cost of funds.

4.   Higher rates also raise corporate borrowing expenses, which cuts into corporate earnings.

5.   Higher rates raise borrowing costs and erode corporate profits across the board.

6.   Higher rates raise borrowing costs at companies.

7.   Higher rates raise borrowing costs for companies and consumers, and tend to undermine the value of equities.

8.   Higher rates raise borrowing costs for consumers and corporations -- potentially hurting profits.

9.   Higher rates raise borrowing costs, and make fixed income investments relatively more attractive than equities.

10.   Higher rates raise the cost of borrowing for businesses and individuals, while damping spending by consumers.

n. + raise >>共 1962
company 3.48%
government 3.20%
official 2.12%
case 2.01%
report 1.77%
bank 1.09%
rate 0.90%
incident 0.90%
group 0.86%
move 0.83%
rate + v. >>共 334
be 28.53%
rise 6.16%
fall 5.09%
make 4.50%
help 2.66%
remain 2.22%
increase 2.15%
hurt 1.91%
go 1.78%
drop 1.78%
raise 0.81%
每页显示:    共 80