1.   Our rates include unlimited mileage, local taxes, and collision damage waiver.

2.   The higher rate includes the privilege of reserving screening carrels in advance.

3.   The rate also includes full breakfast daily, hotel service charges and taxes but not airfare.

4.   The rate includes room, all meals, all daytime activities except a nearby archaeological dig, Belikin beer and soft drinks.

5.   The special rate includes theatre tickets and transport from the hotel to the theatre.

6.   All rates include daily breakfast, taxes and tips.

7.   All these rates include breakfast, and there are less expensive hotels away from the heart of the city.

8.   All rates include a buffet breakfast with hot and cold foods.

9.   All rates include breakfast.

10.   All rates include tax and gratuities.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
rate 0.21%
rate + v. >>共 334
be 28.53%
rise 6.16%
fall 5.09%
make 4.50%
help 2.66%
remain 2.22%
increase 2.15%
hurt 1.91%
go 1.78%
drop 1.78%
include 0.94%
每页显示:    共 93