1.   Bond funds, which got pinched last year by rising interest rates, rebounded nicely as rates eased.

2.   Declining rates would ease its debt burden and lower mortgage costs, allowing sales to grow.

3.   Higher rates ease fears of inflation and lure foreign investment.

4.   HSH and other mortgage experts predict that rates will ease as the year progresses, but they say there is still much uncertainty.

5.   Interbank rates have eased partly because the central bank increased purchases in the repurchase market to ease a credit crunch, traders said.

6.   Latin American Brady bonds rose with U.S. bonds after a higher U.S. unemployment rate eased concerns about rising rates.

7.   Many economists expect rates could ease as early as next year.

8.   On interest rates worldwide, the council saw little room for lower long-term rates, though money market rates might ease.

9.   Rates were narrowly mixed Wednesday, edging up for longer-maturity bonds while money rates eased.

10.   Some economists expect rates could ease as early as this year.

n. + ease >>共 674
tension 5.53%
price 4.93%
government 4.63%
pressure 2.59%
dollar 2.34%
report 2.04%
rain 1.84%
step 1.54%
crisis 1.54%
situation 1.54%
rate 0.85%
rate + v. >>共 334
be 28.53%
rise 6.16%
fall 5.09%
make 4.50%
help 2.66%
remain 2.22%
increase 2.15%
hurt 1.91%
go 1.78%
drop 1.78%
ease 0.17%
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