1.   But with rapid population growth, all the negative effects of poverty and ill-conceived government policies are magnified.

2.   Congestion and land hunger were particularly acute in Lewis, because of the rapid population increase.

3.   Elsewhere, the effects of rapid population growth are far more severe.

4.   Life in Cairo often manages to work even under the oppressive condi-tions of poverty and rapid population growth.

5.   Rapid population growth can affect security in various ways.

6.   Rapid population growth can have other important, if less direct, consequences when it is linked to competition for scarce resources.

7.   Rapid population growth intensifies competition for land.

8.   The effects of rapid population growth are everywhere.

9.   The supply of food has been affected by rapid population growth as well.

a. + population >>共 1058
large 6.45%
general 4.65%
local 4.46%
civilian 4.33%
growing 2.62%
muslim 2.30%
aging 1.98%
entire 1.93%
hispanic 1.87%
albanian 1.80%
rapid 0.59%
rapid + n. >>共 708
growth 14.64%
reaction 9.24%
change 4.48%
expansion 3.63%
development 3.43%
rise 3.22%
pace 3.10%
deployment 2.05%
succession 1.97%
progress 1.91%
population 0.96%
每页显示:    共 49