1.   Gomez ranks the sites depending on the type of shopper as well.

2.   Internet Business Network, at www.interbiznet.com, annually ranks best sites by industry, ease of use and comparative offerings.

3.   Its best feature is an extensive resource directory ranking different sites.

4.   Sometimes, he has ranked a site as cranky, only to be corrected by site visitors.

5.   Spiders rank sites in different ways.

6.   The sites were ranked in order of the time and effort required to find a current batting average for Alex Rodriguez.

v. + site >>共 917
visit 11.38%
use 2.88%
find 2.32%
inspect 2.10%
reach 2.09%
tour 1.72%
have 1.64%
develop 1.22%
choose 1.16%
identify 1.13%
rank 0.08%
rank + n. >>共 272
team 5.41%
low 4.57%
company 3.05%
player 2.03%
last 1.86%
member 1.69%
school 1.69%
city 1.69%
country 1.69%
candidate 1.69%
site 1.02%
每页显示:    共 6