1.   But the militia ranks have dwindled far below the number who fought al-Qaida.

2.   He knows his ranks dwindle daily.

3.   Large insurance companies have concentrated on large companies with thousands of employees, largely leaving small companies to independent agents, whose ranks have been dwindling.

4.   The heroic ranks are dwindling.

5.   The ranks are dwindling.

6.   But the Russian military has resisted making alternative service a reality, fearing it would cause its ranks to dwindle.

7.   The military long resisted alternative service, fearing it would cause its ranks to dwindle.

8.   The Russian military has resisted making alternative service a reality, fearing it would cause its ranks to dwindle.

9.   He hopes to forge another with the communists, whose ranks have dwindled following internal disputes and the fall of communism worldwide.

10.   But their ranks have dwindled and the movement is deeply divided following the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe.

n. + dwindle >>共 304
number 12.01%
supply 8.13%
population 2.79%
reserve 2.67%
crowd 2.31%
revenue 1.94%
support 1.82%
stock 1.58%
audience 1.33%
rank 1.21%
rank + v. >>共 97
be 17.63%
include 10.94%
grow 7.60%
thin 7.60%
swell 6.38%
last 4.56%
dwindle 3.04%
say 3.04%
continue 2.13%
have 1.52%
每页显示:    共 10