1.   Please could we remind all rally organisers to return the vouchers to the Office, even if you are not claiming reimbursement.

2.   Includes footage of the clashes and comment from a rally organiser.

3.   The rally organisers were seen leaving the hospital with tears in their eyes, while candles were lit on the pavement in front of the hospital.

4.   The rally organisers were held accountable for that incident, which was blamed on a lack of crowd control.

5.   The rally organisers were seen leaving the hospital with tears in their eyes, while Israeli leaders were interviewed on state television unashamedly wiping away tears.

6.   Rally organisers said the accident happened because of an intercom failure.

7.   Rally organisers said the accident happened because of an income failure.

8.   Rally organisers cancelled the remaining stages as a result.

9.   The rally organisers could not be immediately contacted about the collision.

n. + organiser >>共 71
race 13.90%
tournament 11.21%
conference 8.52%
exhibition 4.48%
protest 4.48%
concert 4.04%
rally 4.04%
appeal 3.59%
tour 3.59%
election 2.69%
rally + n. >>共 141
organizer 13.15%
site 5.46%
champion 5.46%
participant 5.21%
driver 3.72%
support 3.47%
leader 2.73%
championship 2.48%
car 2.48%
organiser 2.23%
每页显示:    共 9