1.   After the experience with the radiation oncologist, Swanson says, she consulted with her primary oncologist and decided to go to another hospital for the therapy.

2.   All of her doctors accepted her decision, except the radiation oncologist.

3.   Dalbow said radiation oncologists use an array of imaging techniques to get several different views of the tumor.

4.   Few said they knew the radiation oncologist or former White House intern, but everyone had recognized the wood-trimmed house on television.

5.   Giuliani found that urologists and radiation oncologists tend to champion their specialties and present medical information in subtle ways intended to sway patients to their fields.

6.   He pioneered a multidisciplinary approach to cancer treatment, bringing surgeons, medical oncologists and radiation oncologists together for patient care.

7.   Her father, Dr. Bernard Lewinsky, is a radiation oncologist in Beverly Hills, Calif.

8.   In commenting on the Canadian paper, Dr. Jay Harris, a Harvard radiation oncologist, said the research was of high quality.

9.   Q. You quizzed your radiation oncologist about treatment side effects.

10.   Radiation oncologists blast them with X-rays.

n. + oncologist >>共 5
radiation 77.78%
gynocologic 5.56%
hematology 5.56%
school 5.56%
town 5.56%
radiation + n. >>共 174
treatment 16.90%
level 11.29%
therapy 10.40%
leak 10.40%
exposure 8.20%
dose 2.19%
detector 1.87%
experiment 1.79%
leakage 1.38%
release 1.30%
oncologist 1.14%
每页显示:    共 14