1.   But Fiji has been struggling with simmering racial resentments since its emergence from British colonial rule.

2.   Colleagues have been disenchanted by her dubious business dealings, her high-handed leadership, her self-indulgent lifestyle, and her rancorous appeals to racial resentment.

3.   Her shady business dealings, her autocratic style, and her sometimes rancorous appeals to racial resentment have antagonized many who once lionized her.

4.   Mbeki will have to resist the temptation to exploit racial resentment as a substitute for economic progress.

5.   Luntz said the opposition of Perot supporters to free trade and immigration stemmed from economic fears rather than racial resentment.

6.   One of the few similarities is that the city of Albany is roiled on occasion by racial resentment, often aimed at the police.

7.   The Army is not supposed to harbor racial resentment any more.

8.   The Army is not supposed to harbor racial resentment anymore.

9.   The blacks have ventured from the safe harbor of the African-American church and, in many cases, have suppressed lifetimes of racial resentment and distrust.

10.   The victims of mindless racial resentment so often are.

a. + resentment >>共 206
growing 6.81%
deep 6.48%
popular 6.31%
public 6.15%
lingering 4.49%
widespread 4.15%
strong 2.66%
simmering 2.33%
racial 1.99%
old 1.99%
racial + n. >>共 634
discrimination 7.89%
tension 5.95%
slur 4.77%
hatred 3.49%
epithet 2.96%
line 2.58%
issue 2.47%
bias 2.36%
preference 1.84%
minority 1.78%
resentment 0.19%
每页显示:    共 12