1.   For all the race participants, including the riders, it is the final word on the Tour.

2.   In fact, an electric vehicle made by the Ford Motor Co. was pulled over on Friday by a police officer with a radar gun, race participants said.

3.   Race participants wore small computer chips around their ankles that transmitted data about their progress to a Compaq communications center.

4.   Second, he added, it is difficult to line up an unclothed runner, a complainant and police officer amid thousands of race participants.

5.   The form, signed by all race participants when they enter the tracks, protects NASCAR and track owners from legal action in the case of injury or death.

6.   There was some initial concern among race participants when the modems were installed that another team could use some of the transmitted information.

7.   Race participants spent money freely in Cuba.

8.   A Tour of Galicia worker died Wednesday a day after being knocked down by Italian cyclist Denis Zanetti as he tried to warn race participants of an upcoming obstacle.

9.   Gray said Business Post Naiad owner-skipper Bruce Guy and first-time race participant Phil Skeggs were killed.

10.   He said owner-skipper Bruce Guy and first-time race participant Phil Skeggs, both from northern Tasmania, were killed.

n. + participant >>共 216
market 38.26%
conference 9.88%
summit 4.16%
study 3.94%
workfare 3.64%
plan 1.71%
trial 1.63%
rally 1.56%
survey 1.49%
forum 1.41%
race 0.97%
race + n. >>共 553
relation 12.02%
car 8.78%
track 8.71%
official 5.63%
organizer 3.52%
day 3.17%
driver 3.00%
team 2.56%
course 2.44%
horse 2.35%
participant 0.31%
每页显示:    共 13