1.   But, needing to head to work and not having time for a sustained emotional breakdown, I decided to do some quick math first.

2.   Here is some quick math.

3.   I did the quick math.

4.   I would have to do some quick math in my head when asked my age.

5.   Koch, after hearing about the coins, did some quick math and decided it was a no-lose deal.

a. + math >>共 206
simple 9.57%
basic 6.30%
fuzzy 5.22%
teaching 3.48%
advanced 3.26%
complex 2.83%
remedial 1.96%
higher 1.96%
standardized 1.74%
former 1.30%
quick 1.09%
quick + n. >>共 1615
action 2.60%
succession 1.97%
end 1.60%
decision 1.59%
look 1.59%
resolution 1.52%
solution 1.50%
start 1.40%
profit 1.40%
recovery 1.27%
math 0.05%
每页显示:    共 5