1.   And why these artists have landed together in our midst just now may be a question worth pondering.

2.   A. Whether doing business this way is right or fair to sports fans is, to owners, not a question worth even considering.

3.   Given those returns, the question worth asking is what a fund manager does for an encore in the second half.

4.   It was a question worth asking but, like most Sunday, it had no answer.

5.   The question worth asking then, is what this means for African-American studies and the academy in general.

n. + worth >>共 246
dollar 8.74%
risk 2.76%
life 2.30%
market 2.30%
idea 2.07%
price 1.61%
thing 1.61%
day 1.38%
story 1.38%
gamble 1.15%
question 1.15%
question + n. >>共 197
remains 9.44%
period 8.33%
people 3.06%
session 3.06%
paper 1.67%
answer 1.39%
worth 1.39%
concern 1.11%
aside 1.11%
came 1.11%
每页显示:    共 5