1.   To assist at the pre-tendering stage all contractors invited, need to be aware and able to question any aspect on the contract.

2.   Although this arrangement has raised some eyebrows in the world of sports marketing, city auditors last year questioned another aspect of the arena advertising agreement.

3.   Although most of the officials interviewed said they believed that the executed men were guilty, they questioned aspects of the legal system that sent them to their deaths.

4.   Analysts questioned other aspects of the trade agreement.

5.   In contrast, earlier reformers questioned every aspect of the looming incorporation of American industry.

6.   Milner also questioned other aspects of the design.

7.   Some intelligence officials have questioned aspects of the report, officials said, describing them as speculative.

8.   They have questioned several aspects of the selection process, but none of them will talk about it on the record for fear of losing future county work.

9.   Opposition legislators question several aspects of the deal.

10.   Baqi was tried in connection with articles he wrote last year in the now-banned Neshat daily that questioned aspects of Islamic law.

v. + aspect >>共 422
discuss 5.92%
cover 4.72%
control 2.32%
have 2.32%
implement 2.11%
explore 1.83%
examine 1.62%
affect 1.55%
oversee 1.41%
investigate 1.41%
question 1.06%
question + n. >>共 1168
man 3.44%
wisdom 3.04%
need 2.52%
people 2.18%
witness 2.18%
suspect 2.15%
motive 1.41%
validity 1.40%
ability 1.26%
decision 1.25%
aspect 0.22%
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