1.   Bali residents said the quake lasted only a few seconds.

2.   Callers told the radio that the quake lasted over a minute, causing buildings to sway, knocking over jars and shaking windows.

3.   Callers told the radio that the quake lasted over a minute, causing buildings to way, knocking over jars and shaking windows.

4.   He said the quake lasted only a few seconds.

5.   He said that the quake lasted about a minute.

6.   In Cairo, Egypt, the quake lasted more than two minutes, but there was no immediate report of injuries or damage.

7.   In Cairo, Egypt, the quake lasted more than two minutes, but there were no immediate report of injuries or damage.

8.   In Cairo, Egypt, the quake lasted more than two minutes.

9.   The quake lasted about a minute, he said in a telephone interview.

10.   The quake lasted about one minute.

n. + last >>共 1450
trial 2.51%
meeting 1.71%
talk 1.59%
operation 1.49%
strike 1.45%
session 1.25%
season 1.19%
marriage 1.00%
effect 0.98%
time 0.80%
quake 0.30%
quake + v. >>共 152
be 16.08%
hit 9.93%
strike 8.61%
cause 6.91%
shake 6.15%
occur 3.69%
jolt 2.08%
send 1.99%
rock 1.89%
register 1.89%
last 1.42%
每页显示:    共 15