1.   Putting things right, of course, is integral to quality improvement and this is where the corrective action teams come in.

2.   If you need help putting things together, take cues from the television anchors.

3.   Putting things into perspective can help younger children.

a. + thing >>共 548
same 10.88%
only 7.33%
good 6.85%
right 4.11%
whole 4.09%
important 3.44%
best 2.91%
last 2.84%
first 2.53%
bad 2.38%
putting 0.01%
putting + n. >>共 178
stroke 13.70%
surface 11.56%
touch 5.57%
money 4.50%
pressure 3.85%
problem 3.21%
style 2.78%
grip 2.36%
contest 2.36%
woe 2.36%
thing 0.86%
每页显示:    共 4