1.   Now is the time to put fears about nitrate levels in water into true perspective.

2.   The Italian manager must have put the fear of God into his team.

3.   His chanting put fear into the hearts of the listening families as well as into the mind of the old and dying man who was his father.

4.   CONGRATULATIONS to the Catholic Fathers for putting the fear of God into Michael Fallon.

5.   Put the fear into parents from that point of view.

6.   And how many times have you put your fears behind you and plunged headlong into the unknown?

7.   And that puts a fear in me.

8.   Awash with the sick, the injured and the dying, hospital drama suddenly returned to put the fear of cancellation into magazine shows hustling reality.

9.   Barry McCaffrey wants to put the fear of God into world-class athletes.

10.   Bush put those fears to rest later in the primary season, and until Saturday, they had not resurfaced.

v. + fear >>共 569
raise 12.95%
express 9.54%
have 4.76%
allay 4.38%
ease 3.98%
spark 2.90%
calm 2.23%
voice 2.15%
dismiss 1.81%
fuel 1.79%
put 0.87%
put + n. >>共 1303
pressure 8.43%
money 3.74%
end 2.55%
hand 1.55%
arm 1.07%
ball 1.03%
emphasis 1.02%
people 0.91%
lot 0.85%
name 0.72%
fear 0.18%
每页显示:    共 62